Life Coach New York City- Julie Holmes Life Coaching

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What's the Best Way to Feel Good?- The Serotonin Solution

What makes you feel good?

Some people like eating healthy and exercising, or spending time with friends, family, and loved ones. Others take a more neutral approach of distracting themself from the real world with Facebook, video games, emails, or television. Some people choose an even bigger distraction or numbing vehicle such as alcohol, overeating, extreme shopping, or illegal or prescription drug use. Everything we do in life we do because we think it’s going to make us feel a certain way, and if we don’t feel as if we have a resource for something positive, we may choose a destructive outlet to meet our needs.

There is another way to feel good that maybe you haven’t heard about. There was a medical study done that shows if you do a good deed for someone, your serotonin levels will raise and your immune system will be strengthened. Also, the same thing happens to the recipient of the good deed. The final words on this subject were what I believe the most fascinating: Any outside observer of the good deed will also feel their serotonin rise and have their immune system strengthened.

Instead of just making yourself feel good, you can make someone else feel good, AND anyone who may be watching!

I have adopted the belief that in order to live in a universe that provides, there has to be a natural flow of energy. In order to get, you must give. This can mean money, time, love, or simply kindness. When you give freely with no limits, the universe will provide freely with no limits.

Today I lived the afternoon with both of these ideas in mind. Whether it was emptying my pockets to the homeless on the street, holding doors open for people, or letting someone go in front of me in line, I took every opportunity to give, and I have to say it felt pretty amazing! I wonder how many people I affected who were the recipients of these deeds or even just the bystanders?

What if serving others was the solution to all of our problems?

Next time you are having a bad day and want to reach for a beer, go on a shopping spree, or indulge in any other mind numbing or destructive behavior, I challenge you to go out and do a good deed for someone instead. If you believe in Karma it might be worth a try!