Life Coach New York City- Julie Holmes Life Coaching

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Choose your Destiny

Can You Choose your Desiny?

As Summer officially nears its end, the trees turn brown, and the leaves fall away. This is how we know that winter is on its way.

This is the natural cycle of life.

So now, you might be finding there is a part of you that you’d like to fall away.

As a human being, you are also a part of this life cycle. You are either growing or dying. You will either continue to evolve or you will deteriorate.

And as you are reading this, you may have certain thoughts about what this means for your future. You know that you want to grow and expand as a human being, and you may be aware that fear is standing in your way. Everyone experiences fear. It is a natural part of life. However, inaction will never allow you to live full out and experience all life has to offer. You must begin to take accountability now if you ever want a chance at a fulfilling purposeful life. Let your fear drive and motivate you to be a better person. Get out of your own way and begin to live to your full potential.

People are either driven by pain or pleasure. You either want to move away from the pain of your current situation, or you want to move towards the pleasure of an amazing future. Maybe as the seasons change, your fear falls away with the dying leaves that no longer serve the trees. Maybe a part of who you are has to die, in order to make room for the part of you who wants to grow and evolve.

It’s time to be real with yourself about what you truly want and desire from life. It’s time to take control of your destiny.

You are alive, and therefore are worthy of living.

You have the power to create the life of your dreams, and as you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings, there is no denying that you want more for yourself and deep down you know you are capable of anything you put your mind to. You know this is true. You are meant to do great things! All you have to do is rise above your standards of mediocrity. Expect the best from yourself and those around you. Become the example.

Push yourself to your limits and those around you will either step up to grow and evolve with you or fall away with the dying leaves of winter.

Tomorrow is a new day. It’s your choice how you want to live it. Choose wisely. Choose your destiny.