Life Coach New York City- Julie Holmes Life Coaching

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Emotional healing in minutes

How emotional healing can happen in minutes

Have you ever stopped and wondered why most adults have difficulty managing their emotions?

Do you want to know why?

What do you think of when you think of the word trauma?

Most people think something along the lines of death, disaster, sexual abuse or something else that's violent or horrific.

But here’s the thing…

We need to re-define how we think of trauma because it isn’t always what you think it is.

The reason why most adults are unable to manage their emotions is because something happened to them as a child that they processed as a trauma.

It could have been as simple as a teacher or authority figure talking down to you, getting bullied or teased on the playground, or just a moment of feeling sad or alone.

As a child, you don’t have the resources to deal with these emotions, so you store them in your body.

As you get older, each time something in your life happens that causes a similar reaction or emotion, the feeling grows. It’s almost like a snowball effect.

It's kind of like this...

Have you ever had that terrifying dream where you're being chased? And you're so busy running that you don't even know who's chasing you?

I remember hearing once that if you're being chased in a dream, instead of running you should...


Turn around...

...and face who is chasing you.

I was having that dream one night and I remembered to stop and turn around to face my chaser.

So I did!!!

Do you want to know who was chasing me?

It isn't who you would expect...

Take a guess...

It was ME! 😱

And once I confronted myself, I didn't have to run anymore. True story.

Our feelings are like this. We have a tendency to want to run from negative emotions, but if instead we face them and deal with them guess what happens?

They disappear.

I wanted to share an example of this with you. Here is a video of how I helped a young woman release trauma from when she was eight years old in only a matter of minutes.

Notice how she becomes the eight-year-old version of herself. Pay close attention to her voice and her mannerisms.

If you want to watch the entire video, you will also see a segment of how I helped a very resistant man who had difficulty visualizing begin to shift his feelings quickly.

Releasing trauma from the body- Healing in minutes